Revolutionizing Eye-care tests with Elisar VFA - UX/UI Case Study

Role UX Designer
Team James Joseph, Sankar Ganesh Kumar
Company Elisar - Casestudy

Elisar was started with the vision to build diagnostic technologies that were, both accurate and accessible in the eye-care sector across the globe.

Problem Statement :

In India, an estimated 12 million people suffer from glaucoma, and 9 out of 10 cases remain undiagnosed. It turnout there’s a simple explanation. Diagnostic equipment imported into the country are incredibly expensive and they make up half of the setting up cost for an eye hospital. Ophthalmologists and optometrists are often left with a tough choice to make depend on inaccurate equipment or a make risky investment.

Project Goals :

  1. Design an Android app for Elisar VFA that helps users for conduct test and manage reports securely, the app would be connected to head mounted device over the network.
  2. Design a experience that the clinical assistant will never bored of using it.

Background study

Understanding the operations of Humphrey machine which is the actual device through which the test for glaucoma is conducted. As I started, my knowledge with in the realm of eye-care was insufficient enough to design an app with mere requirement so I created a research strategy to help me understand

  1. What is glaucoma, what are the existing test methods used for glaucoma.
  2. Ways the glaucoma tests are conducted.
  3. Humphrey device, on which the glaucoma tests are conducted, presently.
  4. How the tests are conducted through the Humphrey device for glaucoma.

Then I started out by conducting a secondary research using online resources to understand the importance of treating glaucoma; why glaucoma shouldn’t be left behind as untreated. The main competitor of our product was Humphrey device so I have proceeded to conduct competitor analysis with the existing workflow of the Humphrey device.


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Visual Design

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